Welcome to Wacky Wednesday’s With New England Disney Diva, Julie!!!
Becoming a ‘Disney Diva’…
What makes WDW so magical for me? The magic begins way before that exhilaratingmoment of passing through the WDW gates and knowing that I’m finally ‘home’! The fun for my family and I starts waybefore the actual trip gets here!
As crazy asit may sound to some (but not so much to my ‘fellow Disney-manics’ out there…)I will actually start ‘mentally planning’ my next trip while I’m STILL at WDW!This usually happens on our last couple of days of vacation. I know the magicis coming to an end, so this is my ‘coping mechanism’. I immediately begin tomake mental notes of what I want to do on the next trip. Things such as, ‘whichDisney resort to stay at, Adr’s to make, new things to try, etc’…
Once Ireturn home I am forced to deal with ‘reality’-I’m usually booking my nextvacation within a couple weeks! I never used to be this way, until the lastcouple years or so? I MUST have a WDW trip booked at all times. It doesn’treally matter how far off it is, be it 6 or 12 months. Life is happier with atrip to look forward to plan for. Don’t you all agree? This just helps meget through ‘bad days’ or the ‘daily grind’ when the normal, everyday choresget to be a bit too much! We all have those days…
I love thepre-planning that takes place months before from my scheduled WDW trip. I lookforward to running out and buying my shiny, new copy of the ‘Birnbaum Guides,Walt Disney World’ guidebook each year. For me, it’s my ‘Disney bible’; Ialways have it close by. We always had this book in the house growing up soit’s just another one of those Disney traditions that I’ve kept up with.
Holiday Road
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Having grownup in a Disney household, we were always surrounded my Disney magic! Whether it was by toys, movies or planningour annual spring vacations to the world, Disney played an intricate part ofwho I am today. I’ve now passed this torch down to my own family!
We alwaysdrove from our home in Northwest Indiana to Florida, so ‘getting there’ washalf the fun (picture the Griswold’s family from the ‘Vacation’ movies &that was us!!) It was a 2-day drive so once we finally hit Florida, it wastotally magical!
Stopping forfresh O.J. at the Florida Welcome Center and smelling the orange blossomswhile driving past the orange groves are some of my favorite memories. Thisjust meant we were getting ‘closer to home’!
My own family now follows these same traditions each year. This year will be our 6th consecutive trip to WDW and we love it!
We recentlymoved to Northern New England, so driving may be out of the question. I have afeeling we’ll be making many new memories flying down and enjoying theMagical Express ride to our resort!
Can’t waitfor that moment to hear ‘Aloha, Welcome Back’ at the Polynesian. Our nextfamily adventure is taking place in Sept. 2011, can’t wait!!
I’d love tohear who else has any other special family memories that have been passed down.Do you still follow these same traditions now with your own Disney family?Please feel free email me and share your comments/thoughts!!
Thanks forsharing your Wednesday with me…we’ll chat soon!!
Julie can bereached @ nedisneydiva@hotmail.com Be sure to “like” Julie’s Facebook Page…New England Disney Diva’s!!
I didnt grow up going to Disney – in fact, my first visit wasnt until 2000 with my brother. We attended the Disney Institute for landscape design and I fell in love!
I have been back at least once a year for the last 4 years (sometimes twice)..nothing like a Florida trip in beginning of January to escape New England…..I am very much looking forward to creating many memories with my grandchildren
Laurie I think it is really neat how you fell in love with WDW!! I bet that was a huge surprise for you. :0) Thanks for stopping by!!
Congrats Julie for becoming a blogger. Love the story!
Eric…thanks for stopping by!!
Awesome, just awesome!!!