A Tale of Two Shows – Part One

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Animal Kingdom is one of the four theme parks located within the Walt Disney World Resort.  It is the newest park, opened in 1998, and the most different in terms…


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    Perry, the anthropomorphic platypus co-star of the hit Disney-animated series “Phineas and Ferb,” has become locked in a cat carrier while his host family is on vacation, so…

Disney’s Art of Animation Resort

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With Phase 1 scheduled to open in May 31, 2012, Disney’s Art of Animation Resort hotel promises to be the ultimate in family fun. This Value Resort is planned to feature over…

A Very Pin-teresting Tale

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Today you are in for a very special treat as Guru Stacey aka Mrs. Dr. Dreiz shares her Pin-teresting tale with us. Be sure to visit her on Mouse Tales…