The flu is no joke! When you mix travel during flu season it can lead to a dangerous combination. While we are not medical advisors, we do know a thing or two about how to stay healthy when you travel.
What is the number 1 way travelers can avoid getting sick when they travel?
STAY HYDRATED! This does not mean that you guzzle a bottle of water right before you board your flight, this means you practice good hydration, before, during and after you travel. Next, many experts agree that you should turn off those overhead air jets. Those are full of recycled air, which translates as germs!
Where is the number 1 place travelers pick up germs?
Anything your hands touch; doors, tray tables, seats…the list goes on and on. So the big thing is, wash your hands, sneeze into your inner arm, and do not touch your mouth while traveling.
One expert says that getting sleep is a great way to prevent the flu. Sleep can keep you healthy, she even recommends melatonin, not only to help you sleep but with jet lag.
I travel with a care pack which has all of my “things” in it to help me stay healthy. Here’s what I bring:
- Antibacterial wipes-yep, I am that person who wipes everything down as soon as I board the plane. I wipe the seat, the arm rest, the tray table, the seat belt buckle and even the overhead air jets.
- Zinc Lozenges
- Airborne-I start taking this a couple of days before travel.
- Vitamin C-preventative
- Emergen-C
- Antibacterial Hand Gel
- Tissue
- Flonase-I am susceptible to sinus issues so I make sure to keep my nasal cavity hydrated as well.
While you cannot control what other travelers do, it is smart to be a well-prepared traveler and take precautions for you and your family.