This is the last of the park structure post and the most difficult. Hollywood Studios, while divided into specific areas, doesn’t have a logical flow to me.
It is more a mass of streets and buildings that blend into each other, much like a real motion picture studio. Part of the structure issues come from the function of the park. Originally, this was a working studio producing television, animation and movies. Later, those sections shut down and the park lost its direction.
Here is how the park looked when it first opened:

There is still a main street of sorts leading into the park. Originally, imagineers had a little fun with structure. Can you see the upside down Mickey face?
Later, the park added Sunset Boulevard which expanded the park but didn’t exactly simplify navigating the park.

And once again, park renovations led to more map changes and more layout adjustments. Are you confused yet? I wish I had some helpful hints on this park, but alas, there are none to be had.

Look at your map and read the signs! I wish you lots of luck!