A Disney DISlike


This is an article originally written for WDW Fan Zone another place that I call my Disney blogging home. Enjoy!

For quite some time now, I have been thinking about sharing this very sensitive information with you. I have to be honest, over the past 5 years I have been very active in the Disney online community and after all of my experience in reading reviews and suggestions of Disney Dining and all there is to offer I am quite sure that there is absolutely something wrong with my family and I for having a HUGE dislike for one certain dining experience that I know all of you quite enjoy.

Let me first start off by saying that there is not too much that I don’t like about Walt Disney World. In fact I can count on 2 fingers the things that I would NEVER do at Disney again. We are not ones to leave a dining experience and complain or think we had bad service. We can always find the good on the service, food, environment, ect… But man oh man…let me tell you, with all of the rave reviews of this place that I am about to disclose to you, I most certainly thought it was going to blow me out of the water. When really it did anything but that…in fact it thoroughly annoyed me!

I cannot seem to put my finger on the exact reason that my entire party of 10 people did not enjoy this particular establishment other than the fact the little ones we had with us were a bit restless and made it a bit more difficult to enjoy. Even putting that aside, I still cannot say that I would ever visit this establishment again.

So before I share with you the exact location that I absolutely do not enjoy whatsoever, please keep in mind. I am a HUGE Disney fan!! I LOVE all things Disney. I feel the need to share this because I feel a little left out in not understanding why on earth I am the only person that does not like this secret location.

Is there something wrong with me? Does anyone else feel the same way I do? I have never read about one person that does not like this place….but me. :0( Here is my confession.

So here it goes…My name is Kelly Ortiz, I am a huge Disney Addict…but I do not like Hoop-de-Doo Musical Revue*. There I said it and I feel so much better. :0) Anyone else share my feeling? I would love to know. Hugs!

See ya real soon!!


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  • We have never been to the Hoop-de-Doo Musical Revue, but would like to check it out one day. Whenever we do – I will let you know what we think of it! And don’t be worried about feeling that way – there are a few things at Disney that I don’t enjoy, but everyone else seems to LOVE.

  • You are too funny. I’ve been to this twice but a long, long time ago and haven’t been back since. I do, though, share similar feelings about Via Napoli. Seems like everyone is raving about it but I was not too impressed at all. The food was good, the service was not very friendly, and the prices were a lot of what you get. I’m not sure I will ever return.

    I hope you feel good letting it all out! Thanks for your honesty! I appreciate it.

  • My husband and I went on our Disneymoon. Once was enough. It’s not a bad show, but we both saw it as kids and then we saw it together. There just isn’t a need to see it again; nothing changes other than the audience people.

    On our Disneymoom (and I have to share this because 16 yrs later I still laugh about it), there was an older woman standing in front of us and she said something about the “Whoop-de-doo” (I can’t figure out how to phonetically spell it, but it’s what you say when a kid falls and you try your best to avoid them crying – whupsie daisy (also not phonetically correct, but you get the idea) — and no it doesn’t seem funny at all. I guess you had to hear it to embrace the full extent of the humor.

  • I just can’t get enough of HDDR! I love, love, love it! But I also love, love, love the unlimited adult beverages 😉

  • My family and I love the HDDMR. It is a tradition that we love and our twin 4 y/o boys love it, they sing the song the whole way home. We have seen the cast change overthe years but the MAGIC still remains. The food is great and the characters never disappoint. We are vacation club members and go at least once a year to WDW and have always included Hoop-de-doo as a must!

  • Thank you so much for stopping by all!! I am glad to see that we all have different opinions…that is what makes the world go round. Hugs to all!!! Kelly

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