Maximize Your Vacation-Disney & Universal






We are experts in both Universal Orlando travel and Walt Disney World travel. Often times people come to us and want Disney and then decide to add on a day trip to Universal Orlando. Here is our expert advice.

If you are considering to spend a day away from Walt Disney World to go to Universal Orlando, consider doing a split stay.

What is a split stay?

A split stay is when you stay at two different locations over the course of your travel dates.

Why do we recommend this?

We are Disney and Universal Travel Professionals. Our team has done it many different ways. We know that when you stay on property at either location, you are getting the very best vacation. You will have the opportunity take advantage of enjoying what each property has to offer and taking advantage of on-site benefits.

In addition, spending time at both locations allows your family to fully relax and vacation without worrying about transferring, waking up too early, missing out on your favorite attractions, losing your unused Disney Dining Plan credits, and much more!

In many cases when we crunch numbers, staying at both locations costs almost the same thing as if you transferred for a days trip.

How do we recommend it?

The average vacation we plan is 8 nights/9 days. We recommend that you spend the first two nights on Universal Orlando property. When you stay at a deluxe Universal Orlando Resort you will automatically get the FREE Express Pass (valued at $90 per person per day).  After the 2 night stay we can arrange for your transports from Universal Orlando to the Walt Disney World Resort. You can also reverse it and spend the first 6 nights at the Walt Disney World Resort then transfer to Universal Orlando the last two nights.

The bottom line….

Our expert team has done it all ways and after much research and discussion, we feel that doing a split stay is the best way to maximize your Orlando vacation.

If you are thinking about traveling to The Walt Disney World Resort or Universal Orlando Resort, contact us for free vacation planning. You can call us at 877-825-6146 or click below!