Take them when they believe…

 Take them for blog

I am often asked when is the perfect time to take a child to Disney World. That is probably one of the most difficult questions to answer for me, because I truly believe in the magic of Disney. I believe in taking children from a young age to experience everything that Walt Disney had intended on when he began to design Disneyland. From the thrill of attractions, to the simplicity of enjoying a magical moment on the carousel with your young child, Disney was created with the very young and young at heart. As I get ready to go to Walt Disney World on our yearly family trip next week…we will be minus my 21 year old this time. This is the very first trip we are taking without her.

My children are 21, 13 and 10…all three of them have experienced Disney since they could get into a front-carrier and withstand the heat. And while I continue to have many magical memories with my children at Disney World, my fondest memories are of when they were just old enough to believe. By this I mean take in the sound, smells, and lights of Disney. I can remember a magical moment with each one of my children from my daughter Lexi walking up to Mickey for the first time and giving him a hug, to my son Logan truly in awe that he was standing with Buzz, to Lucas at 8 months old staring in amazement at Spectromagic as it whimsically whisked by. All of these moments are times I will forever cherish in my heart, I am so grateful that I have been able to build Disney memories and watch our trips transform as the years have gone by.

Now that my daughter is 21 our trips have become a bit different than they once were, of course we are a Disney loving family so we still wait in line to see Mickey and enjoy an ice cream on Main Street USA, but I cannot tell you how grateful I am so have been able to see Disney through here eyes when she once believed. I would never trade those moments we have shared and you can never get those tiny moments back.

So when you ask me when the right time to take your child to Disney is, I will tell you now. It is never to early to introduce your child to the magic of Disney, take them while they believe.

So are you ready to take your child while they believe? Call us at 877-825-6146, we are ready to help you make memories that will last a lifetime. We can also be reached by email at letstravel@thewdwguru.com.