Tips to Travel Smart and Prepare for a Stress Free journey

Tips to Travel Smart and Prepare for a Stress-Free Journey

Traveling can be relaxing, empowering and educational. But sometimes just getting there can be stressful. In our experience, a well-educated traveler, is a happy traveler. This is why Guru Travel is committed to being your travel teacher. Here’s some great suggestions from the Gurus to help you prepare for your upcoming travels. Nobody likes travel surprises.

Research Before You Travel (With our help!)

The very first rule of travel- do not travel with blinders on! Make sure you take the time to learn about the country or location you are traveling to. Make an effort to learn about cultural norms. You think traveling in the US equals the same cultural norms you have in your town? Think again, even traveling from Chicago to California can pose totally different ways of doing things. Know what spots are good for tourists to visit and what spots you should avoid. Head out on your journey with your eyes wide open and prepared. Your Guru Travel professional is committed to making sure you know as much as you can prior to your arrival.

Purchase Travel Insurance 

It does not matter if you are traveling domestically or not, what is the plan, if something happens when you are traveling? Never hesitate to insure your family. Not only will insurance cover any unexpected injuries and trips to the hospital, it can also protect you from theft or loss of personal belongings.

Plan for Health and Wellness Needs

Make sure you have a supply of over-the-counter essentials like motion sickness pills, macrobiotics, pain killers, and bug repellents. In addition, make sure you’ve consulted with your doctor on any vaccines you may need, and have your prescriptions filled in advance. Always travel with an extra day. I know many people like pill boxes, I personally, do not. In the event you are stranded, you may need more than what you think you do.

Have Emergency Info at Hand

Make sure you’ve left a copy of your passport and travel information with a family member or close friend before you leave. In the event of an emergency, you can contact them for copies. Have the local police, fire and ambulance information for where you are traveling with you at all times. Do you have your country’s embassy information on hand? You should. Don’t forget to register with the STEP program. Click here to register if you are traveling.

Bring the Essentials

If you are traveling with small children, pack diapers and other essentials like wipes, and formula which can last until you get to your destination. Whatever you think you need, add a handful more. Bring a small amount of children’s Tylenol and other medications you use, just in case. Don’t forget to bring band-aids and Neosporine. Many places you travel won’t have what you are looking for, or if they do, it won’ be convenient to get. When our children were young, we used to have them travel with a bracelet with our information on it..just in case we got separated.

Money Matters

Do not forget to notify your bank that you are traveling, especially if you are using a debit card. Research in advance where you can pull money out of and if where you are traveling will take your currency. Only carry a small amount of cash with you in the event you misplace your belongings or in the event of theft.

While these are some great tips to get you started, we have so many more. Work with us in order to gain exclusive access to your personal Guru. We want to make you the most educated traveler. Data does not lie, our travelers are happy travelers…just click here to see.