When You See Things You Should Not See at Walt Disney World


Attraction Tuesday!!

To me Disney World is the most perfect place on Earth. I love everything about it, and for now in this moment, I do not foresee a time that I will ever NOT want to go to Walt Disney World for a yearly vacation.  As a family we are constantly seeking new ways to enhance the magic on our vacation aka keep the magic alive.

Now that I have been to Walt Disney World over 20 times I love to look at all of the little details in the parks. I find myself looking at the back of the buildings, doors that the Cast Members are going in and out and anything that will give me a clue as to how Disney World is run.  Up until my most recent trip to Walt Disney World in October of 2010, I had not found anything all that exciting.

Here is the story of what I discovered. Beware this may not be as exciting to you as it is to me. :0)

We started off the third day of our wondrous Walt Disney World vacation at Magic Kingdom. There were extra early magic hours, which means that we were racing our way through the park to be the first on everything!!! Once the park officially opened we were a bit tired and decided to take a relaxing ride on Tomorrowland Transit Authority aka People Mover aka TTA. :0) As you know this is an elevated tour of Tomorrowland that takes you through the area’s four buildings. As you relax you hear details of the attractions that you pass.

One of the places that you pass through is Space Mountain. Usually when you pass through this area you can hear the music and some screams in the distance.  You are not able to get a good glimpse of the attraction because it is a dark roller coaster.  This is where things changed for me.

As we began to approach the area of Space Mountain I began to notice that things were looking a little different, for one I could see!! Normally it is almost completely dark. When I looked to my right I saw something that will stick with me forever….the tracks!! Yes, I know, this may not be very exciting to you but for me it was magical! In fact, my whole family was in awe as we were slowly escorted through this area of TTA.

I know that for many, this would ruin the magic. For me, seeing the tracks enhanced the magic! Disney does a fantastic job of never showing you things they don’t think you should see, this helps transport you into all of the fantasy worlds that we love so much about Disney….not seeing is the magic in my eyes. But I have to tell you, in this particular situation, I saw beauty. No the tracks themselves were not anywhere close to beautiful in fact, everything about Space Mountain in the light was such a dull color of grey that it was almost depressing. What I found beautiful, is the fact that when I ride Space Mountain and when others ride it….they have no idea about the other side of Space Mountain. All we know is that we have been transformed into space. For that few moments in our lives we giggle, laugh, scream and enjoy with the people we love the most. This is what makes it all so beautiful.


I would love to know if you have ever seen something you were not supposed to see? Did it ruin the magic for you?

See ya real soon!!





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  • […] seeing things we should not see at the parks…you can read my other post about Space Mountain here. I would love to know what you have seen that you should not see at […]

  • I, too, have been on the People Mover when Space Mountain was “lit up!” I think anyone who has experienced it, finds it fascinating because it is almost like being one of the chosen few people who are “in on the secret.” I wish I was as creative as an Imagineer, to be able to see this dull, grey coaster and turn it into one of the most iconic roller coasters in the world.

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