A Unique Way to Save for Disney


Money Saver Monday!!

Alright so I am breaking down and sharing with all of you the real way the Ortiz family saves for our Walt Disney World vacations! We have a rather “unique” way to save for Disney and it is a way that works for our family and is unique to our circumstances.

As I mentioned last week, my parents own a coffee service in addition, they also own a company that distributes washers and dryers to apartment complexes and universities. I have grown up always using industrial washers and dryers and as an adult, I have never ever had to purchase a washer or a dryer….yay!! Just one of the perks of my parents business…oh yeah and I don’t purchase coffee either…lol.

When we had our current house built 6 years ago, my dad gave us a brand new set of machines. This time I asked him to leave in the coin-ops. What that means is that I have to pay for my laundry at my own house. Yep…you read this correctly, I pay for laundry at my own house. :0)

Once per month I call my dad over to collect from my machine. He comes over unlocks and collects from the machine. I then put that money in a special Disney savings account. At the end of the year I have about $800.00 in my Disney savings account that I can apply to my Disney trip. I know it seems like a hassle but it works for us. It is my little way of saving some money and it is simple.

The only challenge is to be sure that we always have quarters availble for a wash. What I have been doing is getting a roll of quarters when I go to the bank, this helps me collect my stash. Now you may be wondering why I keep the lock box locked from myself??? That is because if I had the key all I would need to do is turn it to get it started and then I would not pay for it. :0)

There you have it…my unique way to save for Disney.

Now…Disney Guru would like to know if you have a unique way tot save for Disney?If you do…we are looking for YOU! Email Kelly at kelly@thewdwguru.com and she will get you set up to guest post right here on Disney Guru’s Money Saver Monday. 

See ya real soon!!



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