Why We Love Family Travel (And You Should, Too!)

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Why We Love Family Travel (And You Should, Too!)The family that travels together, stays together. Yeah so call me cheesy but it is so true. There is research behind this statement and I am not just saying this because I want you to travel. I am passionate about getting families to travel. In fact, I am so passionate that I left the teaching field to pursue my dream of helping families travel together.

The real truth is, there has been thousands of pieces of data which show that families need to travel together. As Americans, we love to travel but we seem to love our jobs more because as a nation, we get FAR LESS vacation time than anywhere else in the world. Psychology Today says that, “Vacations have the potential to break into the stress cycle.” We are stressed…we need a break!

Here’s a loaded piece of data for you. 

The benefits of vacations extend to family relationships. An international group of researchers led by Purdue University Xinran Lehto concluded that family vacations contribute positively to family bonding, communication and solidarity. Vacations promote what is called the “crescive bond” (in sociological parlance, a “shared experience”) by fostering growing and enduring connections. Shared family memories and time spent together isolated from ordinary everyday activities (school, work, and so on) help to promote these positive ties. Though family vacations can have their own share of stress, the benefits outweigh the risks, even in families that are not particularly close, according to Lehto and co-authors. –Psychology Today 

Schedules, commitments and others, oh, my! 

If you’re a parent, you are like almost everyone else out there. You are tied to your child’s sport schedule, in fact, many parents say that they would not have it any other way. Or would you? Did you know that over half of the conversation had between parent and child each day is about some form of commitment or schedule? Did you know that because of that schedule only half of parents report actually playing/engaging with their children on anything besides homework and sports? Did you know that it has been reported that parents are more concerned with their child’s physical health than their relationship with their child?  Yes, all of these findings are true as reported by The Telegraph.

No, I am not saying to quit your sports and sit on the floor and play all day. What I want to do is educate you on ways you can reconnect with your family to tighten the bonds and family ties.

So here’s why we love family travel and we think you should too. 

  1. Bond-Travel creates positives bonds between the family.
  2. Quality Time-Vacation is a time where parents can truly disconnect so that they can reconnect with their family.
  3. Taking a Step Back-We believe that it is very important to simply take a step back from life and relax. You do not have to go far to do it, but life is distracting. Step back and bond with your family in a different environment.
  4. Relationship-Studies show that families that travel together, stay together. No this was not just my cheesy opener to the topic, it is true.
  5. Culture-Exposure to new foods, people, places enrich young minds and allow more creativity.
  6. Fun-Needs no explanation at all. :0)

Our Guru Travel Professionals are professionally trained and ready to help you find a travel destination which fits your budget. We are passionate about family travel and want to help you stay connected to your family. Contact us today by calling 630-776-8371 or email us at letstravel@thewdwguru.com. We would be honored to help you plan.



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