NEW Adventures by Disney Itineraries

All new Adventured by Disney itineraries: Amazon & the Galapagos Islands trip.

This exciting new itinerary takes you into one of the most biodiverse locations on the planet. As you explore the lush waterways of the Amazon Basin, there is no telling what rare and beautiful creatures you’ll discover!

In Ecuador’s capital, Quito, you will tour the gorgeous natural surroundings and colonial architecture of this historic city, which has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site.

And, on an adventure to the Galapagos Islands, you will encounter giant tortoises, Darwin’s finches and blue-footed boobies. You’ll engage in a variety of exciting activities on land and sea as you explore this natural wonderland.

Plus, conservation and comfort meet at the beautifully appointed and award-winning Finch Bay Hotel, your home-base for your Galapagos exploration – located just steps from the beach on Santa Cruz Island.

Be the first to book this exciting adventure on 5/21/2014.

Are you ready to Adventure with Disney? If so and you want to be among the first to book one of these amazing adventures contact us at 877-825-6146 or email us at We can send you a FREE planning kit!