Share and Save at Disney

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Money Saver Monday!! When looking to save money at Disney why not share a meal? I know it seems like a simple solution to a problem but I can tell you that…

Life Should Have a Soundtrack

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What I mean to say is that as I go through any given day, there should be music going along with me to punctuate everything I am doing. Unfortunately, Disney…

A Touch of Disney Magic

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This month is Disney Guru’s anniversary month! We are so thankful for each and every one of you and all of the support you give us. We are hosting Awesome…

Disney Pin Trading on a Dime

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Money Saver Monday!! When you are visiting a Disney Park almost everywhere you look you will see park goers sporting those lovely Disney pins. You can buy them and trade…

Special Edition: Disney To Do List

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Attraction Tuesday!!   Half of the attraction of visiting Walt Disney World is the planning. Come on…us crazy Disney fans eat breath and sleep Disney all of the time, but…

To Leash or Not to Leash?

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Okay so we have all seen it…kids walking around with that contraption on their back. I am not going to lie, I have given a glance or two to those…